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5 Tips for Marketing CBD Products with Social Media

Published August 6th, 2020 by CBD Merchant Account

In the modern digital world, it is not enough to just have great CBD products. You have to have equally impressive marketing.

Marketing CBD products have to educate the consumer about CBD and its uses. It also has to effectively distinguish your products from all the other CBD products for sale. 

So, how do you go about doing that?

You can start with these 5 tips for marketing CBD using social media.

1. Take Time to Educate

There is still some confusion in the media about the properties, uses, and benefits of CBD. Many people still associate CBD with marijuana and "getting high." If you want to market CBD products, it is important to establish the facts first.

By setting up a blog or posting CBD-related articles you have the opportunity to correct some of the common misconceptions about CBD.

Make the information easy to understand and interesting. Use that content to draw people to the products you want to sell.

2. Utilize Video 

Successful marketing with Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms depends on your ability to stand out. While some online communities value the written word, many can't be bothered to read through an article to learn about your product.

Increase your following by creating video content, or video blogs (vlogs). Make the video short and sweet. Include a link to your site or online store at the end of the video.

3. Connect With the Community

Marketing different CBD products are about more than just page views. In order to establish a loyal group of customers, you have to engage with them.

You can do this by responding to comments, questions, and reviews on your product site or social media pages. Show the community that you care and that their opinion is important to you.   

4. Use Multiple Platforms

People of different generations use different forms of social media. In order to broaden your reach, create social media accounts on more than one platform.

Beyond that, be consistent on each platform and post consistently to increase your reach and keep followers engaged. 

5. Find Influencers or Brand Ambassadors

Contacting influencers to promote your product will help you stand out in what is becoming a saturated market of CBD products. Influencers already have thousands if not millions of people viewing their content daily.

Brand ambassadors are typically individuals that are loyal customers and fans of your products. They can use their own social media to offer an incentive to other customers thereby growing the brand.

Marketing CBD Products for Big Results

When it comes to marketing CBD products using social media, the strategy is everything. Don't waste your time and money with a few paid advertisements. Instead, use the suggestions above to set your brand apart.

Be creative and consistent with the content you produce and engage with followers.

If you want to learn more about how to successfully market your CBD products, contact us here


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