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Things to Know Before Starting a Hemp Business

Published August 5th, 2016 by CBD Merchant Account

Cannabis & Hemp Businesses

Are you thinking about starting a cannabis business? Start with Hemp oil payment processing service. Thanks to changes in the law as well as in people’s attitudes, the value of hemp is becoming more apparent the world over and it is beginning to be seen not as only a cousin of marijuana, smoked by hippies and down-and-outs, or used to make their scratchy clothing, but as a valuable alternative to paper, used by high end fashion designers and for its medicinal values, and regardless of type of business you’re into, you will need to be able to accept payments for your merchandise. You will need a merchant account and Hemp oil payment processing service.

As popularity for this super-plant grows, so is its demand and this is why there is no better time than now to start a hemp business.

Some things that you should know about hemp itself…

  • Hemp is a fast growing plant, which protects itself from weeds, so there is little need for herbicides
  • Tests show that hemp can help depleted soil which has been damaged by the use of chemicals
  • You don’t need any special machinery to harvest hemp – a simple brush cutter is enough
  • There are fewer biological pests so you will have less to spend on pesticides
  • Hemp is strong, durable and therefore easy to grow
  • Hemp is being recognised around the world as an eco-friendly crop so you can do your bit to help the environment as well as earning your money
  • You can start with as little as one hectare.

All of these are great reasons why you should start a growing hemp business, but there are some other things that you should be thinking about before you get started. Because hemp is still a relatively unknown industry.

You need to do some extensive research before you begin, such as…

  • Which industrial hemp varieties are best for you – your soil and your climate – so that you can get the best quality and maximum yield
  • What the legislation is in your area for growing and selling hemp and hemp related products like hemp oil
  • The actual process of planting, nurturing and harvesting including soil preparation and irrigation for the best results for your needs
  • Whether you should use fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides
  • How to ensure that your hemp stays within laws with regards to THC levels

You will then need to also think about the business side of things such as…

  • How you will promote your business in the face of the less than positive image of a lot of hemp products
  • Who are you planning on selling it to?
  • How you will deal with your business being put as ‘high risk’ by financial institutions (e.g. applying for related to cannabis merchant account or hemp oil payment processing)

Cannabis and Hemp Oil Payment Processing

By being labelled as a business in a high risk industry, many hemp growing businesses struggle to get hemp merchant accounts, which means that they are unable to process legally and transparently, card payments. This can seriously inhibit a business’s growth. Luckily, the solution lies in CBD Merchants Account Company. We will provide you with dedicated to Hemp merchant account so that you card payments will go through us, enabling you to process them legally, securely and transparently. We are fully equipped to accompany any type of Hemp business as it grows and a real passion to see the hemp industry grow, and provide very reliable hemp payment processing service.

Regardless of the obstacles which are in the way, a hemp oil or hemp growing business is a great opportunity and only likely to get better over the next few years. By being prepared and looking for solutions you will find that your hemp growing business will be successful.

Get in touch with us today for more information about opening a Hemp merchant account and accepting card payments for your cannabis merchandise via our reliable hemp payment processing service.

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